Abstract Submission ALT

Your late-breaking abstracts will be submitted via the registration platform. It is important that you first create a user account in the system, after which you can register for the conference or submit your contribution via the system. For submissions please use the following Word template https://www.isaheidelberg2022.org/wp-content/uploads/sites/24/Abstract_Template_ISA-2022.docx and take a look at the formatting guidelines below.

Please do not change the formatting of the template and please follow the given formatting exactly. Submissions that do not comply with the specifications cannot be processed.

Late-breaking abstracts  submitted will be announced by the July 25, 2022 deadline.

We request those not selected for oral presentations to present their poster as part of the in-person and virtual poster sessions.


  • All abstracts must be submitted online through the abstract submission system by the posted deadline to be considered for acceptance. No fax copies, disk or e-mail submissions will be accepted.
  • Only the individual listed as the official contact of the submission has authority to withdraw it or revise content. If an abstract must be withdrawn after submitted, request must be received no later than April 23, 2022. To withdraw your abstract, email unikt-kongresse@zuv.uni-heidelberg.de. Please include your name and abstract title.
  • Submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author(s) to present their work if the abstract is accepted.
  • Presenters must register for the ISA 2022 and are responsible for all registration fees and personal expenses related to the meeting.
  • Authors are responsible for providing a substitute presenter if the presenting author is unable to attend.
  • All presenters are required to disclose any financial and non-financial conflicts of interests.
  • All abstracts submitted by April 23, 2022 will be sent by topic from Prof. Ute Hegenbart and Prof. Stefan Schönland to national and international experts for blinded and peer review.
  • The abstract book will be created only in an online version; there will be no printed version.
  • We will offer you a list of copy shops near the congress venue where the poster can be printed for the congress.

Abstract Submission and Guidelines

All submissions must include the first name, last name, department/ institution and email address of the author best suited to answer questions.

Include the name, e-mail address, and institutional affiliation and location for all co-authors. If an author’s name appears on more than one abstract, it must be identical on each abstract.

The age of the submitter is requested at the time of submission because this information is required for the ISA Presidential Award.

The submitter must also identify the author who will present the abstract, which is limited to one presenter. The submitter

By submitting an abstract, the authors certify that s/he has written consent for use of any recognizable photographs in posters or presentations.

Authors should be aware that abstracts will be published as submitted without copyediting. If accepted all spelling errors, grammar, misspelled author name/credentials, will be published as submitted.

Which types of submission are accepted?

We will accept oral, poster, undecided abstracts.

How should my contributions be submitted?

Please upload your abstract as a file format PDF in the submission tool, with a maximum of two figures. Please upload the figures also separately.
The poster should also be uploaded as a PDF file format.

How exactly should the submitted contributions be structured?
  • Title
  • Authors
  • Affiliation
  • Background
  • Objective
  • Material & Methods
  • Results
  • Summary & Conclusions
  • Figures
  • References
  • Support & Funding
Is there a limitation regarding characters?

The limit for the title is 200 characters including spaces.
The abstract body should have a maximum of 3,600 characters including spaces.

The description text of figures and tables etc., References and Support & Funding are not included in the total of 3,600 characters.

For authors / affiliation, you can use as many characters as are required.

How many submissions should be allowed per author?

This is unlimited.

Should conflicts of interest be queried?

Yes, if there is a real or perceived conflict of interest pertaining to your abstract or presentation, especially one of personal or departmental financial benefit, please provide this information on this site and assure that all appropriate financial and non-financial relationship disclosures have been made. Announcing the disclosures before the presentation of the abstract.

Do you provide appropriate templates for the submission?

The appropriate link to the template will follow.

Should a publication be created from the submission?

No, this is not planned.

Abstract Topics

1.       Fibril and amyloid formation including chaperons – basic – all types of Amyloidosis

2.       Mechanisms of organ dysfunction and damage – basic – all types

3.       Pre-clinical disease models – basic – all types

4.       Clinical laboratory and amyloidosis – clinical- all types

5.       Pathology laboratory and amyloidosis – clinical – all types

6.       Imaging of amyloid – basic or clinical – all types

7.       Pathway to diagnosis (how to use 4, 5, 6 in clinical practice) – clinical – all types

8.       AL 1: diagnosis, staging, monitoring – clinical – AL type

9.       AL 2: upfront therapy, progression, rescue therapy – clinical – AL type

10.   ATTRwt: clinical management – clinical – ATTR type

11.   ATTRv: clinical management – clinical – ATTR type

12.   Biology, clinics, therapy and prognosis in AA – basic or clinical – AA type

13.   Biology, clinics, therapy and prognosis in other systemic amyloidosis – basic or clinical – other types

14.   Biology, clinics, therapy and prognosis in locAL – basic or clinical – locAL type

15.    Innovative drugs / new therapies – basic or clinical – all types

16.   Amyloidosis in animals and for veterinarian – basic or clinical – all types

Encore Abstracts

Encore abstracts are permitted, however new data is encouraged, and scoring will depend on expanding on what was presented at other meetings.

Formatting Guidelines Abstract Submission

Late Breaking Abstracts

Submission: July 1-10, 2022, 11:59 pm CET

There are very few places for this procedure, which follows more of a lottery principle and is not a second abstract procedure.

This category is intended for studies that were not available at the time of the abstract deadline such as clinical trials where the interim analysis is planned for after the abstract deadline. These abstracts are not limited to clinical trials but should include studies with important findings which will impact the field. A very limited number of these abstracts will be selected for oral presentation, with the remaining presented as posters if they meet the selection criteria of high impact.

Virtual Platform

If your abstract has been accepted, we would like to ask you to upload your contribution/poster as a PDF with an accompanying audio recording in mp3 format in the abstract system. The recording should not be longer than 3:00 minutes. Your oral explanations should be in English. Both will be published in the virtual platform one week before the conference starts.


Please use the following Word template for your abstract submission and take a look at “Formatting Guidelines Abstract Submission” for further information concerning the format.


FAQs Call for Abstracts

What is the character/word count?
3,600 characters including spaces. The description text of tables etc. is included in the 3,600 characters. The description text of tables etc., References and Support & Funding are not included in the total of 3,600 characters.
Does the character/word count include title, author names, affiliations, etc.?
No, just the abstract body is counted toward this count.
During submission if you chose oral presentation opposed to poster and your abstract is not selected for oral will it still be considered for poster presentation?
Yes, if you indicate you are open to having your abstract considered for poster presentation.
Are tables, figures and photographs allowed? Is there a limit to how many you can include in your abstract? Do they count towards the character limit?
Tables are allowed as part of the abstract submission. They do not count towards the character limit. Tables, figures and photographs are limited to 2 per abstract. Please submit them in a PDF AND a Word File. The Abstract should not exceed 1.5 A4 pages (21.0 cm x 29.7 cm)
Is there a title character limit?
Yes, 200 characters.
Are encore abstracts permitted?
Yes, although new data is encouraged, and scoring will depend on expanding on what was presented at other meetings.
Where are accepted abstracts published?
Abstracts will be published in an abstract book that will be made available as a digital version to ISA 2022 participants.
Are Trials in Progress (TiP) allowed?
Yes, as long as tentative, data-based conclusions are stated in the abstract. Please type in the abstract body at the very beginning of the text “Trial in Progress.”
Is a COI form required for each author as part of the submission process?
No, COI/disclosure forms will only be required upon  from the presenting author.
If I submit an abstract as a certain submission type, will it be accepted as that type?
The Program Committee may accept the abstract as a different type than what was originally submitted. This is usually due to the number of abstracts submitted in each category and how the information will best be presented.
How do I submit an abstract?
Abstracts are submitted online through the abstract submission site. It is important that you first create a user account in the system, after which you can register for the conference or submit your contribution via the system. Abstracts must be submitted by the deadline of April 23, 2022 at 11:59 pm CET. Late-breaking abstracts will be accepted from July 1-10, 2022 at 11:59 pm CET.
How many presenting authors may I have?
One presenter.
What responsibilities does the Presenting Author have?
The presenting author is responsible for the following:
  • Presenting the abstract, if accepted.
  • Assuring that all appropriate financial and non-financial relationship disclosures have been made. Disclosure of financial relationships with commercial entities is required for the presenting author and his/her spouse and institution.
  • Announcing the disclosures before the presentation of the abstract.
  • Logging in to the abstract site to acceptance of the presentation and review the presentation guidelines, if accepted.
  • Presenters must register for the ISA 2022 conference and are responsible for all registration fees and personal expenses related to the meeting.
What information do I need about my other authors?
You will need the full name, email address, institution and location – city, state and country, for all authors.
May I submit more than one abstract?
Yes, there is no limit to the number of abstracts that you may submit.
Will I receive a confirmation email once I submit an abstract?
Yes, you will receive a confirmation email once the submission has been finalized.
When will I receive notification if my abstract was accepted or declined for presentation?
Abstract notifications will be emailed by May 20, 2022. Late-breaking abstract notifications will be issued by July 29, 2022.
How are the abstracts reviewed?
All abstracts will be blinded and peer reviewed by the Program Committee and invited reviewers. The reviewers assign scores. Abstracts are selected based on their aggregate score and slotted into sessions accordingly. Note that the Program Committee may change the abstract type, if accepted.
Internationally accepted standards
All original research involving human subjects or animal studies must adhere to internationally accepted standards for the conduct of research.
Will ISA accept late abstracts?
Late-Breaking Abstracts are open from July 1-20, 2022 at 11:59 pm CET
Can I make changes to the abstract after it has been finalized?
You may make changes to the abstract before the submission deadline. You will be required to re-finalize the abstract. Only finalized abstracts will be reviewed.
Are there any discounts for presenters to attend the ISA 2022?
No. Presenters pay the same registration fees as other attendees.

The description text of tables etc. is included in the 3600 characters.