ISA Presidential Awards for ISA 2022

In conjunction with the Symposium, the International Society of Amyloidosis and the hosts of ISA 2022 will provide 15 awards of US $3000 each to young amyloidosis researchers who submit the best abstracts. 


Eligible candidates must:

  • Be age 40 years or younger
  • Be a member in good standing of ISA at the time the application is submitted. Please see our membership page for more information or contact
  • Have registered to attend the ISA symposium
  • Have an abstract selected for oral or poster presentation at the ISA symposium.

Abstracts submitted by members 40 years of age or younger will automatically be considered for this award; no separate application is necessary.


Abstract Evaluation

Each eligible abstract will be reviewed by the Symposium abstract reviewers. The Symposium Organizing Commitee and ISA’s President will decide, based on the scores of the abstracts, the investigators who will receive an ISA Presidential Award. The ISA Symposium Chair will notify the winners in late May, after the selection process.

Meeting Event

The award certificates will be presented at the next International Society of Amyloidosis Symposium at the Award session. The monies will be given prior to the meeting by the ISA Treasurer.


If you have any questions or require additional information regarding the ISA Presidential Award, please contact

Travel Grants for ISA 2022

The Amyloidosis Foundation plans to offer travel grants for young researchers and physicians to cover the costs of attending ISA 2022. Information and an application is available on the Foundation’s website.